Director: Jonathan English
Starring: Tom Austen, Tom Rhys Harries, Roxanne McKee Danny Webb, Rosie Day, David Caves, Andy Beckwith
Kevin’s Rating: 5/10
Ironclad: Battle for Blood – 2014
I saw Ironclad (2011), the first movie, and I thought it was not okay. Mostly because every time Paul Giamatti bellowed something as King John I wanted to snicker for several minutes, and the movie is not a comedy. So I started this one out warily. I was pleasantly surprised by being entertained.

Loosely historically based, set in 1221, a family castle estate in England is set upon by Celtic raiders. Short on defenders, dad sends his son to get some help. The young Hubert locates a family cousin who happens to be a brutal fighter and skilled warrior, brings along a motley trio to help, and returns to a castle under a full-frontal attack. How do you sneak into a castle under a full-frontal attack? Why, the back door of course. I never thought of castles having back doors before, but it wasn’t as silly as it sounds. And later it turns out there is another pretty gross way to sneak into a castle too.
The acting is decent with some real humanity coming across at times, the script is decent, the effects are decent except for one appallingly awful CGI effect near the end. There’s plenty of blood and violence. One thing I didn’t like was the shaking-camera technique used for some scenes. Supposed to make the battles look even more chaotic and wild, but it’s not necessary.
Overall, I give it a moderate thumbs up. I wouldn’t say that seeing the original Ironclad first is vital – this is pretty standalone. If you’re in the mood for a decently entertaining unrated 108 minutes, check it out.
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